Returning to Captain's Rest, Strahan


I have to admit, I owe my love for Tasmania to this little shack, set within the village of Strahan, on the edge of the state's western wilderness.

I'd never visited this land to the south before, until I was given the opportunity to stay at Captain’s Rest back in 2018, and it set the bar high for what would become an ongoing love affair.

Upon my return, I hoped that it would be just as charming as I had remembered, and I'm so happy to have discovered that it was — only this time around, the cottage was surrounded by flowers in full bloom, as we arrived at the tail end of summer.


The thing is, there's something about this cabin that'll have you convinced it's all but a dream; from the rain pitter-pattering on the tin roof, to the fire crackling in the fireplace — and then there are the front row seats of the view across the bay, with green mountains peaking behind, and all manner of weather rolling through.


By now this shack is far from a well-kept secret, but rather, a beloved humble home that has captured many hearts, including my own. But that's the thing about places like these, they beckon to be discovered, and I highly recommend for you to pack your bags and do the same.

Pauline Morrissey

Pauline is a freelance writer and columnist based in Sydney, Australia.

Exploring the Shores of Ship Inn Stanley


A Captivating Stay at Captain's Cottage, Hobart