Cheers to 2016


For me a New Year represents much more than a start of a new calendar. It means taking some time off work to take a breather. It means coming out of my cave and catapulting myself to be more social, even if every bone in my body would prefer to hibernate. It means page 1. of a fresh notebook. It means reflecting on the past year and re-adjusting for the next. It means giving myself a pat on the back for my wins and equally for surviving and learning from my losses. It means a new dose of motivation to be harder, better, faster and stronger.

So here's to turning a new page; not for the sake of disregarding our efforts from the year that was, but for stepping into the New Year along with our weaknesses, downfalls, and incomplete projects in hand — ready to dream bigger than ever.

Pauline Morrissey

Pauline is a freelance writer and columnist based in Sydney, Australia.

Blue Mountains: A Treehouse Retreat


Port Stephens: A Summer Homecoming