Diary Pauline Morrissey Diary Pauline Morrissey

Style Me Merivale: Panel Talk

It was a refreshing change to head along to a more formal affair at the Style Me Merivale talk where we got to take a sneak-peak into the creative minds behind the Merivale juggernaut.

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Diary Pauline Morrissey Diary Pauline Morrissey

March Into Merivale: 2016 Launch Party

Last night was the launch party for March into Merivale; the five-week annual food and wine festival in Sydney showcasing first-class food, desserts and drinks from over 50 of Merivale’s restaurants and bars.

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Diary Pauline Morrissey Diary Pauline Morrissey

Cheers to 2016

So here's to turning a new page; not for the sake of disregarding our efforts from the year that was, but for stepping into the New Year along with our weaknesses, downfalls, and incomplete projects in hand — ready to dream bigger than ever.

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Diary Pauline Morrissey Diary Pauline Morrissey

Port Stephens: A Summer Homecoming

One thing is certain though; my heart is happy to be back here — and it's even happier because I'm here with the boy, who I grew up with in this same town all those years ago, who I now call my husband.

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Diary Pauline Morrissey Diary Pauline Morrissey

Tis the Season to Be Merry

Out of all the magic that comes along with the festive season, the one aspect that holds the most charm is finding yourself sitting at a table surrounded by other beings that make you smile.

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Diary Pauline Morrissey Diary Pauline Morrissey

Visiting Willy’s Christmas Tree Farm

The last day of November is mine and Kieran's wedding anniversary date, and so for the past few years we have made a little tradition to visit Willy's Christmas Tree Farm to pick our own Christmas tree ready for December.

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Diary Pauline Morrissey Diary Pauline Morrissey

Hello May and Hello Twenty Seven

I awoke on my birthday to find a shiny personal package from my most-loved wedding magazine Hello May in the mailbox. Inside was a copy of their brand spanking new issue.

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Diary Pauline Morrissey Diary Pauline Morrissey

Philippines: Boracay Honeymoon

There we were; eating and drinking like a King and Queen, getting massages every day, going on sailing boats to watch sunsets, and basking under the sun.

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Diary Pauline Morrissey Diary Pauline Morrissey

My Friend Daniel

Although he is flying from the country we both call home Australia, the ironic thing is London is where the both of us met.

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